and Partnerships
The potential to bring about change in any community is magnified when we work in partnership with others who share our values, hopes and vision for the future.
At Fusion Southern Tasmania, we invest deeply into our partnerships with people, churches and other organisations. Sharing ideas, resources and skills, we can together work for the change that is needed to create a strong platform for the next generation to thrive.
The Fusion Business and
Professional Persons’ Network
In 2003, we brought together our friends from across the business and professional community in Hobart.
The invitation was not only to share in Breakfast, but to be in fellowship with others who were living out their faith in the business and professional sphere.
Now in its 20th year, the Fusion Business and Professional Persons’ Network continues to be a place of connection, challenge and opportunity for those who gather every month.
To find out more or to register to be at the next Breakfast call 0412 223 558.

Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast
For 17 years, our team in Southern Tasmania has been part of bringing together people from around the state for the Annual Tasmanian Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast.
Each year up to 500 people from Parliament, the business, church and wider Tasmanian community gather at the Hotel Grand Chancellor for an important morning of connection, reflection and prayer.
The Governor and Premier, and many elected representatives from all spheres of government are among those who set aside their time to be there. This is an important moment of coming together in unity, setting aside difference and reasserting a commitment to seeking the common good of all.
Partnering with you
There are so many ways we can partner for the good of our communities. There may be projects that your group or church is in need of support with. If so, let us know and we’ll see how we can help.
You might have a group with special skills who are looking for a way to get their hands busy on a project to help local young people. Let us know! We’d love to see how we can be part of matching the need with the resource.
In 2022 we were able to expand our storage facilities at Forest Glen thanks to our local business and church partners. Skilled tradesmen volunteering their time, made the most of materials provided at a fraction of retail price to build a new shed for the youth Mentoring Program. Together there’s life!